Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 9: 1/19/11

This whole challenge has already started to take effect.  I have begun going through EVERYTHING and purging like crazy.  Which I find funny because I thought this would happen a lot LATER in the challenge.  I actually have a few items of clothing that are on my "I may get rid of this after I wear it, but I'll see first" list.  I think we all know that I will get rid of it.

I have yet to do a load of laundry, but that is looming in the air.  The laundry basket is about to overflow, but I need to figure out what to do first.  Do I put it in a different basket temporarily, or do I wash it (not out of necessity) but don't put it back away where I could wear it again, so the basket won't be overflowing?  That in itself is quite a challenge.

I feel like I have barely BARELY (if at all) made a dent in my closet.  I am finding myself wanting the challenge to speed up so I can decide what clothes I don't really want anymore.

I had a few intentions when beginning this challenge.  First, I really was curious to see how long it could take me to wear everything once.  Second, I wanted to get rid of clothes, but I have a hard time getting rid of things because I have a tendency to become attached fairly easily.  I figured that if I wore something that I haven't worn in a long time, I may be reminded of WHY I haven't worn it in a while.  Third, since I am 23 (almost 24) and am getting ready to embark on the last leg of my graduate school career, and begin my actual career, that I needed to mature my wardrobe, and myself as well.  So far, I have 1/2 a bag of clothes for my cousin, 1 bag to go to Goodwill, and 1 bag to go to Plato's Closet to see if they want it to make me rich.  That however may just go to Goodwill if they don't want it.

I think that is it for right now.  I'll report next time I have a thought or an update.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Where's the "click here if you dislike the idea of dirty laundry building up around the house" button?
