Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 98: 4/22/11

 A lot has happened this week in regards to this challenge.  I had gone through hoodies, and since we are in Indiana and it is April, the weather has been unpredictable.  I began using hoodies again a few days ago.  I have almost completely gone through long sleeve shirts/sweaters.  Also, today marks one of the days I have been wanting to see how far I could go...I made it 98 days to go through a certain article of clothing ;) .  I only have a few pairs of socks left.  My t-shirts have gone down quite a bit and I only have 7 left, which is another thing I never thought I would see...the bottom of my drawer!  I have thinned out the wardrobe quite a bit.  My cousin has gotten some new shirts, and the trash got some items, too.

I think that it has been a success so far, but I'm hoping that I can keep going.  I haven't used many fitted t-shirts because it's been too cold for them.  I may have to end the challenge on some of the spectrum and restart the challenge for the summer on fitted t-shirts.  I've started to re-wear some clothes, so the first leg of the challenge is about complete!  I will call it complete when my socks and t-shirts are at the end...unless mother nature decides to warm it up and keep it that way!

I'll keep you posted!